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Siméon Bourdoux
New schemes supporting food safety and consumers in Europe: a voice from the FoodSafety4EU platform

On Friday 25, FoodSafety4EU organized a workshop during the 6th ISEKI-Food Conference. An interactive discussion was guided by Rory Harrington (EFSA), Filipa Melo Vasconcelos (ASAE) Rebeca Fernandez (FoodDrinkEurope), Giulia Tarsitano (EuroCoop) and Beate Kettlitz (FS4EU advisory board member). The five experts shared their perspectives regarding the new regulation on the transparency and sustainability of the EU risk assessment in the food chain and how this regulation is a game-changer in the food safety system. Here are the highlights of the discussions.

Veronica Lattanzio, Nunzia Cito, Antonio F. Logrieco, Gianluca Nurra
FoodSafety4EU @EUROMALT annual convention

On June the 8th, Foodsafety4EU attended the Annual Convention of the Euromalt members, which are national malting associations from several EU members states. In this article, you’ll know more about the main insights that emerged during the discussion, in particular on what FoodSafety4EU can do for EUROMALT members

Siméon Bourdoux, Nevena Hristozova
Micro- and nanoplastics: where are we in Europe?

On May 6 and 7, researchers from academia and industry, and regulators gathered to establish a coordinated approach to assess the human health risks of micro- and nanoplastics in food during EFSA 25th Scientific Colloquium. Here are the highlights of the discussions.

Erin Vera
The new FS4EU website: a crossway for Food Safety in Europe

The new website of FOODSAFETY4EU is now available online. It constitutes a window to all the information necessary to understand the project and its objectives, as well as a space where users can find all the latest developments, achievements and keep updated about food safety with the news and events section. The EU-funded FOODSAFETY4EU project […]
