The EU Food Safety Forum: supporting the Food Safety Systems of the future

The EU Food Safety Forum is the new Science-Policy-Society interface, an open space for discussion and collaboration as a periodic appointment for institutions, Food Safety Authorities, European and national Agencies, universities and research centres, companies, enterprises, consumers and umbrella associations.

The aim of the Forum is to feed the dialogue within the EU Food Safety multi-stakeholder platform contributing to the EU policies and strategies on Food Safety, and to strengthen the cooperation among the society, the researchers and policymakers.

The EU Food Safety Forum is the peak of a large participatory process performed in the FoodSafety4EU project, through the involvement of 100+ stakeholders in structured social labs (FSOLabs) and specific surveys and studies conducted in 4 EU geographical areas (hubs), supported by digital tools and a collaborative platform.

2 Pre-Forums have been organized in 2021 – “Sustainable food: how to keep it safe?” – and 2022 – The new sustainability regulation: how to integrate it into food safety?” – bringing together several voices from the Food Safety Systems in a co-creative dialogue, in order to pave the way to the EU Food Safety Forum in 2023.
