Food4Future_cz is a communication campaign developed in the context of the FSOLab4. The campaign aims to raise youngsters’ awareness about food safety and sustainability for a conscious and considerate approach to the environment. The campaign was designed within FoodSafety4EU using the “Social Lab” method in 2021 and 2022 engaging multiple project partners from industry, academia, authorities, and consumer associations in the co-creation process.

The campaign was developed by the project partners VSHCT and FFDI (Czechia) acting as pilot hosts supported by IFA (Austria), APRE and CNR-INSPA (Italy). The campaign has been launched in Czechia between October-November 2022 as a pilot communication campaign.

The teacher materials available here are for teachers of upper secondary education institutions (approx.. age 15-18 years) and are fit for learners with different levels of prior knowledge. The materials have been designed for the purpose of the Food4Future_cz campaign together with the flyer which teachers are encouraged to distribute to their class before using the materials. Other materials are also available on the campaign website and social media channels. For a full list, please visit

The teaching materials are divided into three chapters followed by a list of exercises with indications of length connected to each chapter. The exercises are action-learning oriented focussing on fostering a participatory and learner-centered discussion about the chapter topics in class. The chapters are also available as power point presentations and can be downloaded from

The teaching materials are part of the Food4Future_cz campaign and the project partners are doing research on the effectiveness of the campaign. Therefore, we kindly ask teachers to distribute the pre- and post-questionnaires to each of your students and return them filled in through

Education for Sustainable Development is recognized as an integral element the Sustainable Development Goals and recognised in SDG 4 on quality education. Especially, sub-target SDG 4.7 aims at ensuring that “all learners acquire knowledge and skills needed to promote sustainable development, including, among others, through education for sustainable development and sustainable lifestyles, human rights, gender equality, promotion of a culture of peace and non-violence, global citizenship, and appreciation of cultural diversity and of culture’s contribution to sustainable development”.

Enjoy and download the comics here!
