FoodSafety4EU @EUROMALT annual convention
Date : 2021-06-11
Author : Alessio Livio Spera

EUROMALT, the trade association representing the malting industry in Europe, is a Supporting Partner of the FoodSafety4EU Project.

On June the 8th, Foodsafety4EU was hosted at the Annual Convention of the Euromalt members, which are national malting associations from several EU members states (Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Great Britain, Ireland, Italy, Lithuania, the Netherlands, Poland, Spain, and Sweden).

EUROMALT members gather twice a year (in June for the annual convention, and in November for the Annual General Meeting) to share insights on the malting industry and hear the opinion and updates from external speakers coming from sectors close or similar to the malting industry.

During the event, the FoodSafety4EU Coordination team presented the project strategy and ongoing activities, with the aim of activating a dialogue to know EUROMALT members’ needs and explore pathways for their involvement in the future #FS4EU platform.

To the question “What FoodSafety4EU can do for EUROMALT members?” the audience replied highlighting the following issues:

Access, through the platform, to best practices for risk assessment, communication, and management, that will be co-created and piloted in Food Safety Operational Labs, also with supporting partners input.

Made available summaries of EFSA opinions, helping to translate scientific evidence into key messages for business operations.

Facilitate the dialogue and data sharing between business operators and EFSA. EUROMALT members have good data set of contaminants (mycotoxins and heavy metals) occurrence in malting barley and malt that might be made available to EFSA. However, some training on data handling and data management principles is needed.

– Listen to each other and share priorities with respect emerging risks (a topic that will be deeply elaborated in Food Safety Operational Labs).

– It was asked if and how the extra – EU issues will be taken into account in the project: that these issues will be undertaken through the FS4EU international network that includes some non-EU Member States, Associated countries and links with global networks.

– EUROMALT members expressed their interest in discussing international trade aspects. Even though the primary focus of FoodSafety4EU is on the EU scenario, the impact of the EU Food Safety System dynamics on international trade will be included in the debate.

Finally, EUROMALT confirmed its interest in providing their input and highlight on malting industry trends/needs to be circulated via the FS4EU channels and platform.

Veronica Lattanzio, FS4EU coordinator

Nunzia Cito, FS4EU platform manager

Antonio F. Logrieco, FS4EU Network Coordinator

Gianluca Nurra, EUROMALT Scientific & Technical Advisor
