
Food: a priority for Europe

Food is Europe's largest sector in terms of employees and manufacturers. Food safety and health are priorities for citizens and consumers' health. Several actions and initiatives are ongoing to create sinergies towards a common goal: to ensure safe and healthy food in each step of the value chains

a multi-stakEholder platform for the Food Safety System

FOODSAFETY4EU will contribute to enhancing common efforts and better structure the EU Food Safety System (FSS) through the co-design of an integrated and multi-stakeholder platform. This will enable a network of FSS actors at the national, European and international level to access resources and data efficiently, synchronise food safety research strategies, share and exchange scientific knowledge.

We’re building a new platform in response to the EU Commission call to set a pathway for the future Food Safety System.
Why a new platform? The FS4EU platform can contribute to:

  • activate the co-creation of strategies and their translation into policies and next funding programmes, by involving also the civil society
  • boost cooperation within the system, by creating connections among different levels of interventions (i.e. Small and Medium enterprises with Authorities, or research)
  • listen to needs by several players in the food safety system, that are often underestimated
  • apply digital solutions and develop an integrated approach to managing relevant data
  • support the food safety system transformation and flexibility in a challenging scenario

Ideas, suggestions, contributions are welcome! leave your message here !
