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Andrej Ovca & Mojca Jevšnik
Handling food at home – does pregnancy make a difference?

Although food safety at home is always important, pregnant women should pay special attention to food safety, even and especially during pregnancy. During pregnancy, the risk of serious consequences of foodborne illness increases for both the pregnant woman and the fetus.

Maria Scherbov, Matteo Sabini, Yazu Romero (the European Food Information Council-EUFIC)
EU GREEN WEEK – How can we communicate food safety in the context of sustainable food systems?

The EU policy agenda, particularly “Farm to Fork” strategy in the framework of the EU Green Deal, has placed significant importance on the transition towards more sustainable food systems and healthy diets, maintaining a consistently high level of food safety that should be communicated to and understood by consumers. Joining the efforts to improve food […]

BiOrangePack Project
BiOrangePack Project: Smart and innovative packaging, post- harvest rot management and shipping of organic citrus fruit

Climate change is challenging several fields including the agriculture sector. The higher temperatures and the consequent weather events facilitated the distribution of exotic organisms in environments where they were previously unknown. In addition to their introduction into new areas, their virulence to the host is increased due to optimal climatic conditions. Due to the above, […]

Dario Dongo, Marie-Christine Thurm
#FoodFacts – Dario Dongo, Marie-Christine Thurm | ProFuture 

Microalgae products: From novel food regulations to innovative, sustainable protein alternatives Authors: Dario Dongo, Food and Agriculture Requirements (FARE), Marie-Christine Thurm, European Food Information Council (EUFIC) What are microalgae and how can we use them? Microalgae are tiny plant-like microorganisms that live in various aquatic environments. They are usually made from one single cell or […]

Alejandro Arias Vásquez, Jeanette Mostert
#FoodFacts – Alejandro Arias Vásquez, Jeanette Mostert | Eat2beNICE 

In the Eat2beNICE project, you study the links between gut microbiota, diet, and exercise to draft nutrition and lifestyle recommendations. Focusing on individuals with mental health problems, could you tell us more about the studies on how to maximise one’s feeling of well-being? E.g., through exercise, nutrition, and particularly through the modification of one’s microbiome, […]

Daniel Lacalle
#FoodFacts – Daniel Lacalle | SHEALTHY

What do consumers really think about non-thermal processing technologies? SHEALTHY project aims to assess and develop an optimal combination of non-thermal processing technologies NTPs for the sanitization, preservation and stabilization of Fruit and Vegetables (F&V). Consumers food habits and diets have changed and become more demanding in the last years. Natural value, shelf-life extension, organoleptic […]

Solveig Langsrud
How can we help consumers mitigate risk?

The role of the consumer Analyses from WHO estimate that microbes, toxins and allergens in food account for about 23 million cases of illness in Europe each year, most of them being diarrheal diseases. Consumers may reduce risk through safer practices applied during food preparation, storage and food choices as nearly 40% of foodborne outbreaks […]

José Ángel Rufián-Henares
#FoodFacts – José Ángel Rufián-Henares | Stance4Health

Do you think that in the close future (<10years), consumers will be able to adapt their diet (availability of devices, affordability, robust science for prescription, etc.) to their gut microbiota needs, in relation to their dietary goals (minimizing digestive troubles, assimilating or reducing the assimilation of specific nutrients, etc.) ? If yes, what will this […]

Marco Ricci
Microwave Imaging (MWI) Technology

The project aims to complement the lacks in quality and safety inspection devices. It has been thought to overcome the intrinsic limitation of existing techniques in industries quality assurance and non-destructive testing; X-rays based devices for example, are not capable of detecting low-density contaminants, given their detection principle. While metal-detector can recognize conductive materials only. […]

Solveig Langsrud
#FoodFacts – Solveig Langsrud | SafeConsume

The overall objective of the SafeConsume project is to reduce health burden from foodborne illnesses by informing citizens and formulating recommendations for policy makers. You mentioned having lots of myths to break to mitigate the risks. What is the most common food safety myths or the most challenging ones to break in your opinion? The […]
