“The new sustainability regulation: how to integrate it into food safety?”
is the topic of the event organized by the FS4EU platform, co-hosted by EURO COOP as a second appointment of the pre-forum cycle:
Towards the EU Food Safety Forum: shaping together the new collaborative platform”.

The event has been held on 15th December 2022, from 9.30 – 13.00 in Brussels @ Copa – Cogeca | European Farmers European Agri-Cooperatives| Room A | 61, Rue de Trèves.

Read the full article here:

This pre-forum involved key representatives from the EU Food Safety System in our co-creative dialogue, by sharing different perspectives from policy, industry, consumer, research, EU projects, initiatives, and finally from the young generation. The outcomes are feeding the EU Food Safety Forum that will take place in 2023.

Below is the list of the pitches given by the experts:

Introductory presentations and objectives of the day

Welcome, scope of the day and short presentation of FoodSafety4EU main achievements

  • Nastasia Belc, IBA, FoodSafety4EU and SCAR WG member
  • Nunzia Cito, CNR ISPA – APRE, FoodSafety4EU Coordinator team

Voices from the FoodSafety4EU Platform

FS4EU Supporting Partners will pitch their input/insights for the new sustainability regulation from different angles:

  • How will the new regulatory framework drive future research?
    a voice from Research, prof. Hanna Schebesta, Associate Professor, Department of Social Sciences, Law Group, WUR, Wageningen University & Research  

Discussing priorities with value chain stakeholders

Collaboration with value chain partners is key for the overall higher sustainability, but success co-operation will be based on identifying and tackling the key challenges.

  • Bruno Menne, Senior Policy Advisor, Copa-Cogeca – European Farmers European Agri-Cooperatives
  • Antoine D’Haese, Sustainability Policy Manager, SAFE – Safe Food Advocacy Europe
  • Angela Frigo, General Secretary, FEBA – European Food Banks Federation

Stakeholders and projects from the EU Food Safety System

In this session, FSS stakeholders will contribute in shaping the Food Safety System, by pitching initiatives and projects (5 min each):

Input from the latestEU funded Projects on food safety:

  • SAFECONSUME, Solveig Langsrud, Project Coordinator, Nofima
  • HUMYCO, prof. Marthe De Boevre, ERC Grant PI, Gent University
  • One Health EJP TOXOSOURCES,  Pikka Jokelainen, Project Coordinator, Statens Serum Institut
  • TITAN,  Isabelle Guelinckx, Project Coordinator ILSI EU
  • HOLIFOOD, Maria Scherbov, Project partner, EUFIC
  • FOODPATHS, Hugo de Vries, Project Coordinator, INRAE (video)
  • CASE STUDY: A new generation of future risk assessors and communicators –  pitches from UGENT students involved in a co-creation workshop on how to improve food risk communication and engage large public, introduced by Celine Meerpoel, Postdoctoral Researcher and EU-FORA 2022/2023 fellow, Gent University.

Starting from insights from the previous sessions, participants will share ideas, projects` results and priorities to identify the future challenges and their positioning in the forthcoming scenario, driven by the new sustainability regulation.
