On 22 and 23 September 2021, the 1st session of FSO Lab 1 was conducted online. This FSO Lab focuses on the need for harmonisation and integration, specifically in the setting of risk analysis in a circular economy. The risk analysis process faces many challenges due to the circular economy as, for example, recycled materials can contain contaminants from previous (mis-)use.

Twenty-one participants from academia, consumer organisations, food safety authorities, and companies work together to co-create pilot actions that will make the risk analysis process better capable to deal with food safety issues in a more circular economy.

FSO Lab 1 is hosted by Wageningen University as project partners of FoodSafety4EU, with Niels van der Linden (PhD) as Lab Manager and Pieternel Luning (associate Professor) as facilitator.

Updates on the progress of this FSO Lab will be available on our website and on social media.
