On the occasion of the World Day of Food Safety, the EFSA -European Food Safety Authority, in collaboration with the Italian Ministry of Health, has launched the second edition of the communication campaign #EUChooseSafeFood, with the aim of giving answers to the questions that consumers ask themselves in everyday life about food.

The Campaign has been launched on 7 June and it will last until October at the European level. With relevant stakeholders’ support, the European Agency has designed and disseminated a communication toolkit to help make informed decisions about everyday food choices and explain the science behind EU food safety.

In Italy, the Undersecretary of Health Ministry, Andrea Costa, stated that the initiative wants to help increase citizens’ confidence in the EU food safety system, thanks to the work carried out by the EFSA network of experts. The Campaign also strengthens existing cooperation between the Ministry of Health and the European Agency, consumer organisations, producers and civil society, helping consumers to trust the food they eat, wherever they are in Europe.

According to the Italian Ministry of Health opinion, the EFSA strategy ensures that food is safe From Farm to Fork by providing integrated actions in all the supply chain steps. The issue of food safety and the definition of international safety standards are an objective, which every single country should pursue individually and, more generally, in terms of global security, according to the One Health approach“.

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