On the 26th September EFSA will organise an online event to engage with EFSA’s experts and representatives of the European Commission on the latest findings, namely on the results of the EFSA scientific opinions on the transport of animals, which will be published beginning of September 2022.

The event will explain the work carried out by EFSA in the context of the Farm to Fork mandates on animal welfare and present the findings of five scientific opinions on the welfare of transported animals.

The meeting will be held online and organised in two parts:

-The first part will be specifically focused on the presentation of the EFSA’s opinions on the welfare of transported animals.

-The second part will present EFSA’s assessment on the welfare of pigs and will provide an update on EFSA’s ongoing mandates.

The event will last in total three hours and a half and participants will be given the possibility to ask questions for clarification

Read the Agenda and register to the Event here
