1st Int. Summit on Privacy-Preserving AI for Food Risk Intelligence

The summit – promoted by FS4EU Supporting Partner Agroknow –  will focus on privacy-preserving AI for food risk intelligence sharing and predictions, by involving leading experts about the transformative power of federated AI learning.

The event is organized in the framework of EFRA project – Extreme Food Risk Analytics – ,  which aims to explore how extreme data mining, aggregation and analytics may address major scientific, economic and societal challenges associated with the safety and quality of the food that European consumers eat.

Discover more https://efraproject.eu/1st-international-summit-on-privacy-preserving-ai-for-food-risk-intelligence/

The Future of Food Safety: Can we really trust Predictive Analytics?

How can Food Risk Predictions be a feasible and accurate solution and what are the regulatory landscape predictions?

In the online panel discussion, Prof. Chris Elliott invites the R&D expert Manos Karvounis (Research & Innovation Manager at Agroknow) and the regulatory expert Yvonne Pfeifer (Global Data Services Lead at SGS) to explore the future of Food Risk Predictions.

The session aims to focus on:
• Defining how AI can assist food safety risk predictions and the challenges involved
• Examining prediction models and regulatory change anticipations in the context of EFRA project
• Exploring the current state of: AI powered forecasting models of FOODAKAI & the regulatory features of Digicomply

A live Q&A will follow on the topic and discussion around what to anticipate regarding the food risk predictions landscape in the near future. Register and discover more: https://info.agroknow.com/webinar-the-future-of-food-safety

GHI webinar

GHI webinar: Food Safety Training and Education

Challenges and Trends in Food Safety Community, presented by FS4EU partner IBA

The Global Harmonization Initiative (GHI) is the international non-profit network of individual scientists and scientific organizations working together to promote the harmonization of global food safety regulations and legislation.

GHI organizes scientific working groups, member meetings, workshops and symposia to further its collaborative work and provide educational outreach to key stakeholders.

During the GHI webinar series, webinar 11: Food Safety Training and Education on 25 April 2023 will host the presentation of FS4EU from Nastasia Belc, IBA director, to involve actors from the European Food Safety Systems in the multi-stakeholder platform.

The streaming of the webinar is available at this link

EU FOOD SAFETY FORUM, 28 – 29 November 2023 in Brussels

The first European Food Safety Forum will take place in Brussels on the 28 and 29 November 2023 in Brussels @ La Tricoterie.

The Forum will be organized as periodic appointment for gathering together Food Safety System actors in order to share knowledge and best practices, to discuss the Food Safety hot issues, to propose collaborations for improving the efficacy of the Food Safety policies and research in Europe. It will be held in Brussels every year, usually jointly with a European Commission event. The first edition of the Forum will present the platform and the results of the FSOLabs.

Strategies, roadmaps and recommendations delivered by the project will be then validated at institutional level ensuring their alignment with EU Food Safety policies, and enhancing the harmonization of Horizon 2020 Associated Countries and neighbor countries policies with the European ones. The organization of the European Food Safety Forum will take into account the best innovative models of breakout sessions to make the participatory process more effective

EHPM Conference “Quality and Safety in Food Supplements: from Farm to Fork”, Brussels

On Thursday 20 April 2023 from 10:00 to 17:30, will take place the EHPM Conference  “Quality and Safety in Food Supplements: from Farm to Fork”,  in the  Sofitel Brussels Europe (Place Jourdan 1, 1040 Brussels).

The conference will focus on the quality and safety in food supplements, which are the main aspects that food business operators must take into account when developing, producing, and marketing a product. Quality & Safety are closely interlinked and should be there from the very beginning and should be constantly present at any stage of the production process, from the selection of the raw materials to the post-market stage: “from farm to fork”.


If interested to participate, please register at the following Google Form by Friday 7 April (EOD) at the latesthttps://forms.gle/voFtRzKsnwtP6pui7

Food contaminants: emerging challenges between safety and sustainability, 4th May 2023, Wageningen

FS4EU partner ILSI Europe, in collaboration with the Wageningen University and under the patronage of the European Parliament, is organising a face-to-face seminar that looks at the relationship between changing food chains and emerging risks associated with food contaminants.

This will be a great opportunity for young researchers, PhD students and postdocs to present their work at the Symposium in Wageningen on May 4th.

Biancamaria Ciasca – from the FS4EU Youngs team – will explain how the FS4EU Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda will address emerging food safety challenges to support a SAFE transition towards sustainable food systems.

The event is free of charge, but registration is required. More info here

44th Mycotoxin Workshop: June 5-7 2023, Germany

The 44th Mycotoxin Workshop – one of the oldest mycotoxin meetings worldwide – will take place on June 5-7, 2023, in Celle, 30 km northeast of Hannover.

The conference will be organized by Prof. Dr. Madeleine Plötz, director of the Institute of Food Quality and  Food Safety, University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover, Foundation, in cooperation with the Society for Mycotoxin Research.

Click here for registration!

FS4EU at GenB Common Ground Camp on Bioeconomy education

Feb 21 – 22, 2023, 09:00 AM (EET), Athina, – Greece

FS4EU communication methods

FS4EU will participate in the GenB Camp to present new communication approaches experimented in our platform with schools and companies last year.
Line LindnerISEKI-Food Association, partner of our project, will share the experience of the FSOLab 4 on new communication methods, presenting new tools for education and training in the food safety field.

The two-day Common Ground Camp will promote bioeconomy practices in school settings and foster a future generation that is enthusiastic about bioeconomy and adopts more sustainable habits and lifestyles. The Camp is organized by the Hellenic Society for the Protection of Nature, within the GenB project

This participatory workshop will focus on the exchange of information, presentation of inspirational examples as well as the co-creation of innovative methods and approaches.

The Common Ground Camp is aimed at both formal and non-formal education communities (universities, education policymakers and regional authorities, school administrators, teachers, and other multipliers such as museums, science communicators, youth organizations, and community groups), as well as EU-funded projects/initiatives.

Agenda and registration here

Webinar: Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA)

Please register for the webinar on the Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA) of the Sustainable Food Systems Partnership.

Time: 14 February, from 13.30 to 15.00, online.

During the online webinar, the final and updated version of the SRIA, taking into account comments received throughout the public consultation, will be presented.

This webinar is an opportunity to learn more about the SRIA’s R&I Areas and planned activities.

Agenda available here.

Register here.

Microplastics: A Discussion on the Latest Findings from the WHO

Earlier this year, the World Health Organization (WHO) published a state-of-the-science report to assess the potential health risks associated with exposure to microplastic. The report, “Dietary and inhalation exposure to nano- and microplastic particles and potential implications for human health,” builds off the WHO’s previous report on the potential effects of microplastics in drinking water published in 2019. An international group of experts was assembled by the WHO to review the available data and publish the current report.

Join the report’s authors, Alan Boobis of Imperial College London, Todd Gouin of TG Environment Consulting, and Stephanie Wright of King’s College London discuss the results and the future challenges and research needs of the report.

Co-hosted by the American Chemistry Council (ACC) and ILSI Europe.

Register here on Zoom.

Webinar, Zoom
2:00 pm – 3:30 pm
