About FSOLabs


Our project is carrying out 4 FSOLabs! What is a FSOLab? Who can participate? How does it work? When and where?

What is a Food Safety Operational Lab?

A FSOLab is a “room” for social experiments for addressing complex food safety related topics on a systemic level.
In practice it is a cycle of meetings among experts from different levels of the Food Safety Systems. The experts discuss and find new ways to tackle selected food safety challenges in a continuous learning process.

How does a FSOLab work?

A FSOLab is a learning process in which a permanent group of experts meet in structured workshops and discuss according to a common methodology, supported by a Lab Manager and a Lab Facilitator.

3 learning cycles of workshops drive the participants to identify, select and set up pilot ideas and actions, in order to implement in a pilot action and evaluate its application and sustainability for its further adoption.

These learning cycles are focused on relevant selected topics (4 FSOLabs), and are aligned through cross-learning workshops to share methodology, tools and results, during the process.

Who can participate in our FSOLabs?

Experts representing voices from institutions, Food Safety Authorities, policy makers, EFSA representatives, Ministeries, Associations, Food Business Operators, Research & Universities can feed the dialogue on “hot” topics for the Food Safety System of the future.
They’re invited from the FS4EU Hub Manager to represent the different European regions.

The first FSOLabs cycle started in July 2021 and was concluded in September 2021.
The first cross-learning meeting was held on 28-29 September 2021
to share the experiences and combine some input from the various Labs.
what a nice and fruitful experience!

The FSOLabs results will contribute to co-create the future European Food Safety strategies and policies for the European Commission including input from all EU!

Thanks in advance to all the participants who will animate the EU debate on the Food Safety!

Stay tuned:-)

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